Facials & Skin Analysis

I offer a comprehensive range of Facial Treatments using Larens Professional Organic Cosmeceutical products.

Alongwith the most advanced OPATRA DOME facial skin detection system allowing deep analysis, enabling bespoke treatment planning and an accurate assessment of the ongoing treatment’s success.

Designed specifically for aesthetic skincare professionals, OPATRA DOME is invaluable in creating and measuring individually targeted treatment plans our clients.

Please click here to view details of all my available treatments and make an appointment.

Key Features

Professional consultation

Initial Personal Consultation, including a comprehensive Digital Facial Analysis, a Bespoke Treatment Plan and 20 mins Revitalising Facial.

60 mins appointment @ £120

The results are securely stored and subsequent analysis and monitoring of your Treatment Plan is included within your treatments fees.

Please contact me on 07507 420244 to discuss any of our treatments and arrange an initial FREE consultation by Zoom.

Book your appointment online Now

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